عقيل جمعه عبد الحسين الموسوي
عقيل جمعه عبد الحسين الموسوي

Getting Started

الاخبار 29 أبريل 2010 0 468
Getting Started
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Hi, and welcome to Vivvo 4.5! This is the place to get started with Vivvo CMS!

As a general guideline, we suggest taking the following steps to get the most out of our technical support service:

1. Online Documentation – Updated regularly with each version release, Online Documentation contains product-specific information – from instructions on how to install and get started, to detailed product features, tutorials and references.

2. Consult Our Knowledge Base – Need an answer fast? Browse our knowledgebase for articles on a broad range of topics.

3. Participate in Discussion Forums – Our support Forums allow users to exchange valuable information with other users and developers on general technical issues and product-specific topics

4. Submit a Support Request – Submitting your support questions through the online support form is the best way to ensure that your requests are properly tracked and answered by our technical support team. Each license level is assigned the appropriate number of support incidents, and an upgraded support package can be obtained if necessary.

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