عقيل جمعه عبد الحسين الموسوي
عقيل جمعه عبد الحسين الموسوي

What is Vivvo CMS?

الاخبار 29 أبريل 2010 0 477
What is Vivvo CMS?
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Vivvo CMS is a news, article and media publishing software that enables you to create a full website easily without any knowledge or experience with HTML, Web site design or management through the comfortable Ajax-based site structure management interface and high flexibility of design, content, and functionality integration.

It gives you the power to create different layouts and different styles for each section of the site, different user groups to help you manage your content with a built-in privilege system, and above all, the ultimate Search Engine ranking capability.

Features & Requirements

Content Publishing

1. Ability to publish Articles, Static Pages and Blogs

2. Ability to publish Image/Photo Galleries

3. Keeping revisions and auto-drafts of articles

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Search Engine Optimisation

1. 3 different formats of SE Friendly URLs

2. Fully SEO optimized templates

3. Custom META keywords/description tags

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Users and Roles

1. Unlimited number of administrators and roles

2. 5 default roles: Admin, Editor, Trusted Writer, Writer, Member

3. Bridges to integrate users with most popular forum software like IPB or vBulletin

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Documents & Media Management

1. Robust DMS system for managing documents and assets

2. Ability to tag files

3. Full media streaming capabilities

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Templates and Design

1. Designer-friendly template engine (VTE)

2. 20+ free skins/templates to start with

3. 40+ individual page layouts to choose

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Plug-ins and Extensions

1. 100+ free plug-ins and widgets to start with

2. Easily extensible through a plug-in architecture

3. Helpers, Docs and Plugin Generator Wizard available to 3rd party developers

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